Sunday 27 March 2011

Hamlet’s Third Soliloquy Commentary
By: Autumn Reay
February 2, 2011th
  • Is in Act 3 Scene 1
  • Hamlet is a very confused man – unsure of himself and is constantly over thinking
  • He wavers between two extremes:
o   The first is committing suicide
o   The second is seeking revenge for his father’s death
§  He can either suffer and “take arms against a sea of troubles”- seek revenge for his father’s death
§  Or, “to die: to sleep; no more…..and by a sleep to say we end.”
o    Hamlet is quite indecisive about these extremes
  • “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come” – Hamlet is thinking about how his death would be like
  • Because Hamlet was so indecisive, he had an extreme stream of consciousness (showing his inner heart)
o   As it says “Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;” Hamlet is insulting himself
o    Plus, “with this regard their currents turn awry” – this signifies that his troubles were mind over matter
  • Indirect reference to the heavens: “fly to others that we know not of”

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