Sunday 27 March 2011

Hamlet’s Third Soliloquy Commentary
By: Autumn Reay
February 2, 2011th
  • Is in Act 3 Scene 1
  • Hamlet is a very confused man – unsure of himself and is constantly over thinking
  • He wavers between two extremes:
o   The first is committing suicide
o   The second is seeking revenge for his father’s death
§  He can either suffer and “take arms against a sea of troubles”- seek revenge for his father’s death
§  Or, “to die: to sleep; no more…..and by a sleep to say we end.”
o    Hamlet is quite indecisive about these extremes
  • “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come” – Hamlet is thinking about how his death would be like
  • Because Hamlet was so indecisive, he had an extreme stream of consciousness (showing his inner heart)
o   As it says “Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;” Hamlet is insulting himself
o    Plus, “with this regard their currents turn awry” – this signifies that his troubles were mind over matter
  • Indirect reference to the heavens: “fly to others that we know not of”

Friday 25 March 2011

Hamlet’s Second Soliloquy Commentary
  •  Is in Act 2, scene 2
  •  Happens after Hamlet sees the player acting a speech towards "Hecuba"
  •  This soliloquy is divided into 2 parts:
o   Comparison to the player
o   Creating a plan
  •  Tone:
o   "What a rogue and peasant slave am I" (2)
Rogue useless vagrant, peasant slave person with little integrity
o   "What an ass am I" (35)
§  Hamlet is insulting himself
o   Emotions words: "Ha!" (27), "O, vengeance!" (34),
o   All Used to generate the tone: Anger, Hatred, undermining. It Illustrate Hamlet's anger, and the undermining of himself as he did not show emotions, rage towards Claudius for the murder
  •  Comparison:
o   " Yet I, a dull and muddy – mettled rascal" (17-18)
o   Comes after the description of the player.
o   Used to show the ongoing evaluation of Hamlet
  •  Listing:
o   "all his visage wanned,
Tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect,
A broken voice, and his whole function suiting" (6-8)
§  Hamlet describes the performance of the player
o   "He would drown the stage with tears
And cleave the general ear with horrid speech,
Make mad the guilty and appall the free,
Confound the ignorant and amaze indeed
The very faculties of eyes and ears. (13-17)
§  Hamlet assumes what the player would have done if the player was in his situation.
o   All these lists are used for the bigger device of comparison. Used to enhance the idea that Hamlet berates himself for not acting out his plan to avenge his father's murder
o   "Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!" (33)
§  Hamlet shows his hatred towards Claudius
o   Used to show a raging tone that rises from Hamlet's soliloquy
  •  Rhetorical Questions:
o   “What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
That he should weep
for her?" (10-11)
o   Hecuba – mythological queen – appears in the play
-          Hamlet does not understand how the player can show such great emotions to a person that he had no connection with
o   Used to highlight again Hamlet's criticism of his lack of emotions

o   "Am I a coward?
Who calls me “villain”? breaks my pate across?
Plucks off my beard, and blows it in my face?
Tweaks me by the nose? gives me the lie i' the throat,
As deep as to the lungs? Who does me this?" (22-26)
o   A series of rhetorical questions.
o   Used to show anger that arouses in Hamlet (ties into town)
o   Audience can understand the emotions that come from the character of Hamlet
  •  Simile:
o   "Like John-a-dreams" (19)
§  Hamlet compares himself to an absent-mind dreamer.
o   Used to show that Hamlet is undermining himself, saying he is just an ideologist, not an action man

o    "I'll have these players play something like the murder of my father" (46-47)
-          Hamlet devises a plan
o   Used to show Hamlet's feelings towards the murder, (maybe: murder was well planned and executed like a play), also to show the change in the personality from an ideologist to an action man
  •  Caesuras:
o   "a scullion! Fie upon't! foh!
About, my Brain! (39-40)
o   Used to illustrate rage and anger that come from Hamlet

o   "Before mine uncle: I'll observe his looks;
I'll tent him to the quick:  If he do blench,
I know my course.
o   Used to give a sense of action. Show Hamlet's hastiness, may illustrate his upcoming madness
  •  Rhyme + Iambic pentameter:
o   Soliloquy ends with:
o   "More relative than this. The play 's the thing
Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.
-          Hamlet's final plan
o   Used to show a final resolution to his growing dilemma and to the whole soliloquy. Emphasizes Hamlet's decision.

Hamlet’s First Soliloquy Commentary
By: Autumn Reay
January 12th, 2010

The metaphor and image “Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed,” is the synecdoche in Hamlet’s first soliloquy in Act 1 Scene 2.  Hamlet expresses his disappointment and disgust towards his mother’s remarriage of his uncle Claudius.  Hamlet mentally breaks down when struggling to accept the remarriage.  Literary devices, techniques and references help illustrate Hamlet’s emotions through his passionate soliloquy and connect to the synecdoche.

The ambiguous phrase of an “unweeded garden” helped Hamlet describe his perceptions of contemporary Denmark and how he feels jinxed that evil has shadowed goodness.  The image illustrates how dreary everything felt to Hamlet.  It also hints at Hamlet’s hatred towards Claudius at his mother’s remarriage.  The ‘garden’ or Denmark became “rank and gross in nature”.  Claudius taking the throne brought evil to power.  This began Hamlet’s angry mental state.           

His anger and despair gradually ruptured as Hamlet wept the words; “O God, a beast, that wants discourse of reason, would have mourned longer.” Hamlet’s image of his parent’s great relationship was an ache to tolerate.  The love that kept his parent’s bond was magnificent. “Must I remember?” shows Hamlet’s hardship in coping with the remarriage as he quotes “within a month,” “it should come to this (remarriage)!” The time span between his father’s death and his mother’s second marriage was at “wicked speed,” which made Hamlet question the true reason behind his mother’s marriage with Uncle Claudius.  His mother did not mourn over her husband’s death.  To him, her previous marriage seemed perfect as “she would hang on him.”  However, his mother acted otherwise. 

Through the soliloquy numerous literary devices are used to express Hamlet’s disgust towards his mother’s re-marriage.  The Caesuras throughout the whole soliloquy emphasize Hamlets irritating range of emotions. The ongoing iambic pentameters do too. For example, “By what it fed on: and yet, within a month-- Let me not think on't.”  Hamlet is continuously expressing his sorrow and endless hate towards Claudius.  He does so with no control; thus, using iambic pentameters.  Shakespeare uses exclamation marks to end Hamlet’s vigorous phrases, plus, the repetition of the praise “O God!”  Both of these devices demonstrate Hamlet’s strong emotions.  The audience/reader may also notice Hamlet’s unhappiness towards the remarriage through an alteration in the text.  Hamlet begins to refer to his mother as his “lovely mother” then slowly modifies to “she.”  This demonstrates that Hamlet began to accuse his mother for marrying Uncle Claudius.   

Hamlet was very stressed and angry.  The imagery through his soliloquy was sinister.  Vocabulary words such as “stale, dead, rank, gross” and “unrighteous” were all used to emphasize his confused, furious and shady mood.  One powerful line quotes “with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!” clearly paints a vivid picture that because of the skill or “dexterity” of the uncle, Claudius was able to exploit the “incestuous sheets;” which refers to the bed which belonged to his mother and birth father.      

‘Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed’ is a “figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole,” and/or is the synecdoche. (Dictionary definition) In this case, a part or phrase is used to explain/connect the whole text.  This is because, not only does the phrase refer to Denmark and the governing position but as I stated earlier, helps connect Hamlets painful feelings.  Due to his anger towards the new King Claudius, Hamlet ties in his distraught feelings towards his father’s death, as he mourns “O, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt,” over the demise of his father, “a poor body.”  The main idea of Hamlets uncle becoming King frustrated him.  In comparison to his uncle taking the throne, Hamlet recalled a relatively small scene: his father’s death.  This led Hamlet to consider death as he quotes “his canon ‘gainst self slaughter! O God, God.”  He only considered this because the main idea sparked his emotions.        

However, God is “Everlasting,” which juxtaposes to Hamlet’s death.  God’s body is eternal which contrasts to “thaw, resolving itself into a dew”, which Hamlet desired to become.  Death was “weary, stale, flat and unprofitable; seem to me all the uses of this world!”  The idea of death was logically ineffective to Hamlet.     

Shakespeare then uses a simile to compare himself and his uncle, to his father.  “My father’s brother, but no more like my father, than I to Hercules,” refers to Greek mythology. Hamlet is admiring the goodness of his father as “so excellent a king” while criticizing himself and his uncle.  Referring to past mythology has given allusions to support Hamlet’s thoughts and ideas.  “Hyperion to a satyr” criticizes his uncle again as if simplified, means a ‘hero to a Greek creature similar to a Minotaur.’       

Juxtapositions, comparisons, metaphors and similes were strong devices which allowed Hamlet’s sorrowful emotions to be revealed.  His tone was also expressed through his first soliloquy. The tone was dreary and blunt. As he talks to himself and thinks aloud, he justifies his personal feelings which are straight forward and regard serious topics.  The soliloquy in the play ‘Hamlet,’ allows the audience to grasp an insight on Hamlet’s thoughts.

Hamlet’s first soliloquy did indeed allow the audience to be acquainted with Hamlet’s feelings, concerns and personality. Hamlet is a trickster with mad behavior. It was also about the context and background of the setting.  His soliloquy proves that Hamlet was mad which creates a sense of sympathy from the beginning.  The metaphor and image “Tis an unweeded garden that grows to a seed” is the synecdoche in his first soliloquy as it links Shakespeare’s ideas and thoughts.  Hamlet had trouble coping mainly with his mother’s re-marriage to his Uncle Claudius but minutely over the death of his father. He quotes, “But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue”…“it is not, nor it cannot come to good.” This is stating that Hamlet has to deal with the circumstances whether in favor or not. The literary devices and techniques did help portray Hamlet’s emotions. 


The Ghost Scene Commentary Notes
  • In Act 1, scene 5
  • Ghost of his father tells Hamlet that he was murdered by poison poured into his ear by Claudius
  • The Ghost tells him to seek revenge on Claudius and leave the judgment of his mother to heaven
  • The ghost doubts the queens self morals and dignity
  • Shakespeare uses numerous literary devices to express the ghost’s state of mine.  Such examples are listing, caesuras, alliterations, juxtapositions, similes, metaphors, contrasts and figurative imagery
  • The ghost criticizes Claudius through listing.  Hamlet labels him as an “adulterate beast, with witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts, o wicked wit and gifts, that have the power so to seduce!” – alliteration there too, which emphasizes to Claudius’ betrayal of his brother
  • Using the words “O” and “Ay” emphasizes the extreme emotions (sorrowful and angry) of the ghost
  • The exclamation marks emphasize the ghosts anger – caesuras
  • The ghost contrasts his “natural gifts” to that of Claudius’ – The King was seen to be more loyal
o   “Upon a wretch whose natural gifts were poor. To those of mine!”
§  Claudius: cheap relationship
§  Hamlet: loyal
  • Juxtaposition:
o   “Though lewdness (bad comings) court it in a shape of heaven”
§  Meaning/purpose: the ghost claims to Hamlet that his fathers murder was an unjust debt
§  Virtue and lust: Gertrude (his mother)
  •  Juxtaposition:
o   “Celestial bed” – heaven, pure : juxtaposed to …
o   …“Prey on garbage.”  - The Ghost denounces his queen in bitter terms,
§  Garbage is a metaphor for Claudius’ personality/behavior
  • From lines 65-87, the Ghost explains the story of the Kings death
  •  Figurative imagery: “I scent the morning air”  - setting the scene with an innocent and pure mood – which implies that the peace will be interrupted later on
  • Juxtaposition:
o   “Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole
§  Meaning/purpose: highlights the dreadful act of Claudius , disturbing the Kings peace
  • Simile:
o   “That swift as quicksilver (poison- mercury) through the natural gates and alleys of the body” demonstrates that the poison rapidly killed the King
o   “And curd, like eager (acid) droppings into milk” portrays the image of acid poured into the kings ears and the influence on his blood
  •     Figurative Imagery:
o   “Instant tetter barked about”- refers to immediate blisters that appeared on the Kings skin from the poison
  •  “O, horrible! O, horrible! Most horrible!” – repetition underscores both the ghosts suffering and what was taken from him
  • The Ghost lists his dispositions…“of life, of crown, of queen”
o   This was done to portray the extent of the Kings losses because of his death
  • The line with all my imperfections on my head” signifies that the Ghost is no longer superior
  • The repetition of “O horrible” stresses the Ghosts feelings towards his own death 

Nunnery Scene Notes
  • Act 3, scene1
  • Ophelia is sent by Claudius and Polonius to check on the condition of Hamlet. 
  •  Hamlet demanded Ophelia to go to a nunnery in sense of protection 
  •    Repetition of the instruction:
o“Get thee to a nunnery” (1) “Go thy ways to a nunnery” (10) “to a nunnery, go” (21)
§  Thee refers to Ophelia
§  This phrase is used numerous times to illustrate that Hamlet is playing antic-disposition, as he adheres to his sense of protection (over Ophelia)  
  •  Rhetorical questions:
o    “Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” (1)
§  Taking a Christian slant – everybody is born a sinner, therefore, he tries to protect Ophelia from giving birth to sinners (which will make her a sinner) by sending her to a nunnery
§  This rhetorical question is used to illustrate that Hamlet does care for Ophelia and that he is not mad
§  Hamlet is directly stating that Ophelia is a sinner and making her feel guilty  
o   “What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven?” (8)
§  “Between earth and heaven” refers to Purgatory
§  Hamlet criticizes himself purposely saying “ What should such fellows as I”
§  This device is used to show that Hamlet is playing antic-disposition because he exaggerates the fact that he is not well 
  • Listing:
o   “I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious,” (5)
§  Shakespeare used listing to emphasize that Hamlet is mad as a result of his father’s murder and his uncle taking over his position
§  As he uses the three descriptive characteristics which symbolize
·         Proud: education
·         Revengeful: father’s death
·         Ambitious: to take the throne    
  • Simile:
o   “As chaste as ice, as pure as snow” (17)
§   Hamlet is saying to Ophelia that if she does get married she should not engage in sexual acts
§  Ophelia’s beauty overpowers honesty when looking for a guy – therefore, Ophelia needs to be careful (this causes Hamlets paranoia, demanding her to go to a nunnery)   
  • Caesuras:
o   “Get thee to a nunnery, go; farewell.”
o   Shakespeare wanted to show a sense of haste – showing true madness
  •    Metaphor:
o   “What monsters you make of them”
§  Hamlet is criticizing not only Ophelia, but the woman race (misogyny) as a whole – saying that she will make her groom a ‘monster’
§  Hamlet is pretending to be mad
  •  Biblical Reference:
o   “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another” (25) and “God’s creatures” (27)
§  Shakespeare uses biblical references to highlight Hamlets misogyny and his true madness
§  Hamlet is mad at Ophelia and the woman race; accusing ‘them’ that they change their personality and behavior to please others
  • Personification:
o   “Noble mind”
§  Part of Ophelia’s soliloquy
§  She is showing respect for Hamlet, however, she does believe that he has is truly mad 

Claudius Praying Notes

  •     Act 3, scene 3
  • Main issue: Claudius tries to pray but cannot as he explains that his “offence is rank, it smells to heaven”
  •  Lines 1-21:
o   King Claudius speaks of how his faults are too great, and he is worried that he can never be forgiven for them.
o   “eldest curse upon it” – the word curse refers to his brother’s death
o   Caesura:
  “A brother’s murder. Pray can I not”
·         Used to show that Claudius had a thought which triggered him to think of another – shows a sense of confusion
o   Ongoing pentameter:
§  “My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent; and, like a man to double business bound”
·         Shows Claudius confused and worrisome feelings
·         “My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent”  means that his sin overshadows the intent of wanting forgiveness by praying
·         Simile: “like a man to double business bond” having the problem of praying for Claudius is like having a double job – its hard
o   “I stand in pause where I shall first begin” – Claudius doesn’t know where or how to begin his prayers
o   “Cursed hand” – refers to himself
o   “Brother’s blood” – symbolizes Claudius’ sin of murder
o   Rhetorical Question:
§  “Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash it white as snow?”
·         Claudius is asking for forgiveness
·         He is pretty much saying ‘can’t god easily just forgive me, take the burden off his shoulders’
·         Simile:”as white as snow”- Shakespeare uses this to show Claudius’ wants; which is to be forgiven and become pure, to be clean (“white as snow”)

  •    Lines 22-34:
o   “My fault is past” – Claudius cannot turn back or relive his past, he rather, has to feel the guilt
o   Claudius asks “what form of prayer can serve my turn?” He is asking how can he be forgiven and what should he should do
o   “Forgive me my foul murder?” – praising to the Lord, asking for forgiveness
o   Contradiction: “Forgive me my foul murder? That cannot be; since I am still possessed” -  Claudius is asking for forgiveness but also admitting that he doesn’t deserve it as he did kill his brother (“still possessed”) – Through this, Shakespeare is illustrating Claudius’ confusion about his wants
o   “My crown, mine own ambition and my queen, may one be pardoned and retain the offence?” – Claudius is apologizing for his selfishness

  •     Lines 35-43:
o   “Try to repentance can: what can it not? Yet what can it when one cannot repent? O wretched state! O bosom black as death!”
§  Here, Claudius is doubting himself about his ability to be forgiven
§  He is asking rhetorical questions to God – Shakespeare uses this to show that Claudius is weak
§  Using words like O emphasize Claudius’ guilty feelings
§  “O wretched state!” represents the state of which Claudius is in – like him asking for forgiveness
§  Simile: “bosom black as death” – meaning that Claudius asking for forgiveness is terrible; the worst thing you could do
o   “Art more engaged! Help, angels! Make assay!”
§  Praise to the heavens asking for help
§  Asking for god to make his repentance process easy
§  The exclamation marks were used to show his eagerness
o   Simile:
§  “Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe”
·         Claudius wants his forgiveness to be an ease
·         Plus, a happy and good moment, not one that has to bring him misery
·         He wants everything to be okay, as he says “all may be well”

(Then Hamlet enters)
  • Lines 44-49:
o   Hamlet interrupts Claudius when he is trying to pray
o   Hamlet is seeking revenge and therefore thought to himself that at that time, when Claudius was on his knees praying, was a good time to kill him as Hamlet says “and now I’ll do it”
o   Hamlet calls Claudius a “villain”
o   Hamlet wants revenge as he says “a villain kills my father; and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven.”